Download Nios Solved Assignments 100% for 10th & 12th Class All Subject 2019-20

Nios Solved Assignment (2019-2020) |10th & 12th Class Hindi & English Medium |NIOS TMA Solution

Download Nios Solved Assignments 100% for 10th & 12th Class All Subject April Exam/October Examination

Nios Tutor Marked Assignments Senior Secondary Course - 2019-20 : 12th Class TMA Solutions - Nios Solved Assignment - April/October Exam 2020 (Hindi & English Medium )
Subject Name    (Code)
 Price    Download  PDF in English      Medium     Download PDF in Hindi Medium     
Hindi (301) 170 NA BUY NOW
English (302) 170 BUY  NOW NA
Mathematics  (311) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Physics (312) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Chemistry (313) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Biology (314) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
History (315) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Geography (316) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Political Science  (317) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Economics (318) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Business Studies (319) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Accountancy (320) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Home Science (321) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Psychology (328) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Computer Science (330) 170 BUY NOW NA
Sociology (331) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Painting (332) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Mass Communication (335) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Data Entry Operations (336) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Environmental Science (333) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Introduction To Law (338) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Library & Information Science (339) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Tourism (337) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Sanskrit (309) 170 Sanskrit Medium 309 Sanskrit Medium 309
Military Studies (374) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Urdu (306) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Physical Education and Yog (373) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Military History (375) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
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Nios Tutor Marked Assignments Secondary Course - 2019-20 : 10th TMA Answers - Nios Solved Assignment - for April/October Exam 2020 (Hindi & English Medium )

Subject Name    (Code)  Price Download  PDF in English Medium Download PDF in Hindi Medium
Hindi (201) 170 NA BUY NOW
English (202) 170 BUY NOW NA
Urdu (206) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Sanskrit (209) 170 Sanskrit Medium (209) Sanskrit Medium (209)
Mathematics (211) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Science & Technology (212) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Social Science (213) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Economics (214) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Business Studies (215)) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Home Science (216) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Psychology (222))  170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Indian Culture and Heritage (ICH) (223) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Accountancy (224) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Painting (225) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Data Entry Operations (229) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Hindustani Music (242) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Carnatic Music (243) 170 BUY NOW BUY NOW
Latest Nios Model Test Paper/Question Bank 
Nios Assignment Submission Receipt

TMA  के बारे में प्रायः पूछे जाने वाले प्रश्न- अनुशिक्षिक अंकित मूलयांकन कार्य TMA क्या हैं? Ans. अनुशिक्षिक अंकित मूलयांकन कार्य शिक्षार्थी की सहायता के लिए है क्योंकि ये उन्ही प्रश्नो के उत्तर लिखने का अभ्यास करता है और उन्हें इन पर फीडबैक भी प्राप्त होता हैं
क्या TMA करना अनिवार्य है?
क्या NIOS  के सभी शिक्षार्थीयो को TMA जमा करना होता है |
शिक्षार्थीयो के लिये TMA किस प्रकार सहायक है |

We are also providing Assignment Support, Model paper or sample paper Support of NIOS board for (10th & 12th Class).

किसी भी प्रकार की पूछताछ के लिए संपर्क करे-(24×7 hours) Please contact us -
PK Kapri & Co(NIOS CSC Center) Contacts – 9643289714, 9990177029 (join whatsaap)

Website: We are a group of professional willing to help Professional/ Academic students, who generally fighting with time to prepare for further studies.

Click for Hand Written Assignment |Nios Class 10th Tma Solution |Nios Class 12th Tma Solution

Please get in touch with us for Order/Help/Assistance on अगर आप असाइनमेंट सलूशन डायरेक्ट माँगना चहते है तो कॉल करें  Contact us - 9643289714 |9990177029 or Join WhatsApp

Nios Tutor Marked Assignment-  20% weightage of theory would be given to Internal Assessment. The public examination would cover remaining 80% of weightage of theory. The result of those learners, who do not submit their Assignments, would be declared on the basis of Public Examination.

Last Date of Submission Nios Tutor Marked Assignments (TMA)  for April/October Examination
April/May Examination - 31st January      October/November Examination    - 31st July

You have to submit TMA to the subject teacher at your Study Centre (AI) at given date.If last date so specified happens to be a public holiday/Saturday/Sunday, the next working day will automatically be treated as last date for the purpose.

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Online Nios Solved Tutor Marked Assignment (TMA) - 2019-2020 Pdf 

NIOS से 10th & 12th कर रहे students के लिए Assignment submit करना अनिवार्य है.  हम आपको यहाँ Nios Solved Assignment File PDF Format  में दे रहे है. आप अपने अनुसार विषय  और माध्यम  चुने  और  इसे आप download कर ले . Download करने के बाद  फाइलें  तैयार  करें  और  अपने स्टडी सेंटर/ क्षेत्रीय केंद्र  पर जमा करायें | अधिक जानकारी  के लिये संपर्क करे - 9643289714 , 9990177029|

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Note:- After Payment Automatically Nios Solved Assignment send to your Email id . if you have not received Assignment please call us .  9643289714, 9990177029

Ans.  TMA का मूलयांकन सतत और वृहत मूलयांकन का एक महत्वपूर्ण भाग है, इसलिए एक शैक्षिक अभ्यास के रूप में इसे ‘अनिवार्य’ माना जाना चाहिए | तथापि शिक्षार्थी को सार्वजानिक परीक्षा में बैठने की अनुमति प्रदान की जाती है चाहे उसने अपने विषय में TMA जमा नहीं कराये है तो आंतरिक मूलयांकन के भाग के लिए शून्य अंक प्रदान किये जायेंगे|

Ans. जी नही TMA की वयवस्था केवल प्रवेश के स्ट्रीम -1 के अंतर्गत प्रवेश करने वाले पर लागू हैं यह स्ट्रीम -II, III तथा IV के अंतर्गत प्रवेश करने वाले शिक्षार्थीयो पर लागू नहीं हैं |

Ans.  TMA  शिक्षार्थी को अपनी प्रगति सुनिशिचत करने और अपनी पढाई के पुनरीक्षण में मदद मिलती है इसलिय एक शैक्षिक अभ्यास के रूप में इसे ‘अनिवार्य’ माना जाता है


The Format of TMA You will notice that TMA is for 20 marks. Questions 1, 2 and 3, comprise of short answer questions. Each question has two choices of which you have to attempt only one i.e. 2+2+2= 6 marks. Questions 1, 2 and 3 will thus cover 6 marks. Question nunmber 4 and 5 are long answer questions of 4 marks each. You have to answer only one question out of the two given. Thus, questions 4 and 5 are for 8 marks (4+4=8). Question no. 6 gives you two projects of which you have to attempt only one. This question will be for 6 marks. The guidelines for each project work are given along with the topic set.

For Any Inquiries Call : 

+91 9643289714, 9990177029

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Nios Solved Assignment for 10th & 12th


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